Photo Safari Montana

Using Photoshop, I created this piece showcasing pictures taken in Montana and downloaded them from my account with Envato and Twenty20. Minimal corrections were needed for the photos with increased saturation for most pictures.


Premiere Pro


Photos: Envato and Twenty20

The Leftover Chef: When the Only Thing Left on Your Plate is Love

I created a movie poster from the prompt of "The Leftover Chef - When the only thing left on your plate is love." I enjoy horror movies and so I gave my work a creepy feel. I also wanted to include the horror actor Bruce Campbell and actress Vera Farmiga since they are well-known and shopping myself as the fictional titular character ready to carve into a nice tasty heart. I decided to utilize red in the tints and vibrance to give off a very "bloody" theme. I also tried to keep a continuity of the title and subtitle being red with a heart in love.


Premiere Pro


Vera Farmiga Photo: 

Bruce Campbell Photo:

Dark Restaurant was Pixabay 

Heart Font

Panavision and Dolby Digital obtained from Session College for Professional Design

All other media was downloaded from Envato

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